Apollo God of Music, Song and Poetry

  January 26, 2021   Read time 1 min
Apollo God of Music, Song and Poetry
Though Apollo is not the Greek Godhead, it represents a significant divine entity in Greek ancient religion. Apollo provides the humanity with many good things including light and sun; healing and prophecy. Apollo is in fact a positive deity sharing many divine things with the mortal being.
Indeed, the Olympian god Apollo was one of the most endeared Greek gods. He was the god of music, song and poetry. He was commonly illustrated playing a golden lyre. Apollo was also the god of sun and light; the god of healing, bestowing man the science of medicine; the god of prophecy, oracles and archery. The island of Delos was the birthplace of Apollo. His parents were Zeus and Leto, and Artemis was his twin sister. As stated, Apollo was deemed the god of healing and medicine, but simultaneously could also bring forth disease and plague with his arrows (it was thought that a god who can cause disease could also prevent it). During the Trojan War, Apollo shot the arrows of plague in the Greek camp, siding for Paris. Apollo’s birth, much like most of the other Greek gods, was a fascinating one. His mother, Leto, was one of the female Titanes and wife of Zeus, but was, nonetheless, considered a concubine. When the goddess Hera learned Leto was impregnated by her husband Zeus, she pursued her relentlessly. Leto was unable to get rest and give birth anywhere, as she was being pursued by Hera from place to pace; and, in fear of Hera’s wrath, no one would provide her with refuge. It was only the island of Delos that provided Leto with refuge. With the help of the island’s inhabitants, together with Artemis, who was born a day earlier, Leto give birth to Apollo. Leto promised the people that her son would always favor them for having helped her. After his birth, Leto was unable to nurse himself so Themis supplied Apollo with nectar and ambrosia, and after his first taste, he immediately transformed from a baby to a man.

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