Food Security and Freedom from Want

  February 10, 2021   Read time 2 min
Food Security and Freedom from Want
Despite its vital role in human life, "freedom from want" is not sufficiently considered in the social context. "Want" does not allow people to grow both intellectually and spiritually. Food is one of the key subjects of "want" and should be taken into earnest account.

The first task the UN declaration identified after winning of the war was to deliver millions of people from tyranny and hunger. Thereafter, a concerted effort was needed to ‘win and maintain freedom from fear and freedom from want. The one cannot be achieved without the other’. But, the declaration also stated: ‘There has never been enough food for the health of all people’. Food production had to be ‘greatly expanded’, for which ‘we now have the knowledge of the means by which this can be done’. It required ‘imagination and firm will’ on the part of governments and people to make use of that knowledge. The declaration recognized that "The first cause of malnutrition and hunger is poverty. It is useless to produce more food unless men and nations provide the markets to absorb it. There must be an expansion of the whole world economy to provide the purchasing power sufficient to maintain an adequate diet for all. With full employment in all countries, enlarged industrial production, the absence of exploitation, an increasing flow of trade within and between countries, an orderly management of domestic and international investment and currencies, and sustained internal and international economic equilibrium, the food which is produced can be made available to all people." The primary responsibility for ensuring that people had the food needed for life and health lay with each nation. But each nation could fully achieve that goal only if all work together. The declaration ended: "The first steps towards freedom from want of food must not await the final solution of all other problems. Each advance made in one field will strengthen and quicken advance in all others. Work already begun must be continued. Once the war has been won decisive steps can be taken. We must make ready now." It became clear at an early stage of the conference that there was general agreement that a permanent organization in the field of food and agriculture should be established. It was also agreed that the organization should act as a centre of information and advice on both agricultural and nutritional questions, and that it should maintain a service of international statistics. The conference recommended the establishment of an Interim Commission in Washington, DC to draw up a detailed plan for the permanent organization for the approval of governments and authorities represented at the conference.

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