Middle Elamite Era: New Succession System

  October 24, 2020   Read time 1 min
Middle Elamite Era: New Succession System
Elamites in the course of the advancement of their empire invented new civil and political frameworks that later became the basis for emergence of new powers.

During the Middle Elamite period the old system of succession to, and distribution of, power appears to have broken down. Increasingly, son succeeded father, and less is heard of divided authority within a federated system. This probably reflects an effort to increase the central authority at Susa in order to conduct effective military campaigns abroad and to hold Elamite foreign conquests. The old system of regionalism balanced with federalism must have suffered, and the fraternal, sectional strife that so weakened Elam in the Neo-Elamite period may have had its roots in the centrifugal developments of the 13th and 12th centuries BC.

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