Separation of Islam and Politics: Imperialist Propaganda

  November 05, 2020   Read time 1 min
Separation of Islam and Politics: Imperialist Propaganda
Imam Khomeini believed that Imperialist regime in the world is investing heavily on the marginalization of Islam in politics. The Islamophobic idea of separation of Islam and politics was indeed one of the key targets of Imam Khomeini's criticisms.

Imam Khomeini, "Islamic Government: Guardianship of the Jurist": "If you pay no attention to the policies of the imperialists, and consider Islam to be simply the few topics you are always studying and never go beyond them, then the imperialists will leave you alone. Pray as much as you like; it is your oil they are after why should they worry about your prayers? They are after our minerals, and want to turn our country into a market for their goods. That is the reason the puppet governments they have installed prevent us from industrializing, and instead, establish only assembly plants and industry that is dependent on the outside world.They do not want us to be true human beings, for they are afraid of true human beings. Even if only one true human being appears, they fear him, because others will follow him and he will have an impact that can destroy the whole foundation of tyranny, imperialism, and government by puppets. So, whenever some true human being has appeared they have either killed or imprisoned and exiled him, and tried to defame him by saying: “This is a political ākhūnd!” Now the Prophet was also a political person. This evil propaganda is undertaken by the political agents of imperialism only to make you shun politics, to prevent you from intervening in the affairs of society and struggling against treacherous governments and their anti-national and anti-Islamic politics. They want to work their will as they please, with no one to bar their way."


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